Monday, May 5, 2008

REUSE -outside the box

I am posting this picture because this lamp is made mostly from reuse materials. The Box was given to me as part of the Box Show Fundraiser Placer Arts just had. Everything else was destined for the landfill, and we saved it and used it. The point of this post is REALLY consider what you are throwing away, and examine your habits. They aren't that hard to change. I am also not suggesting to horde things. I am a big fan of clearing out the clutter - but pass it on! We have made drastic changes in our household over the last several months, and it feels good.
I took the reCREATE program to my son's preschool the other day, and the kids really enjoyed looking at the pictures from the MRF (where all trash goes to be sorted). They made some cool art too.
Here is my recent favorite picture of reuse art by a kid.

I will have a post soon on having a green birthday party!

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